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The Ark Encounter Review – Williamstown, Ky.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC - The Ark Encounter

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When planning a summer road trip, I was charting potential paths and destinations. The only set in stone location that we were sure we wanted to hit was the Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg Tennessee areas. From there, we had three options; north, south, or directly back east. The idea was to go directly to the sights we wanted to hit in Tennessee first, and then amble our way back to the east coast home. One of the destinations that popped up on my radar was the Ark Encounter in Williamstown, Kentucky, just north of Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg.

A biblical history museum/theme park

What is the Ark Encounter? Depending on what vantage point one wants to take on the topic, depends on how this is answered. One view, the Ark Encounter is a Christian theme park and zoological garden. While the sentiment that the site is a theme park is not exclusive of other ways to categorize the location, it’s a succinct way to describe it. Another way to look at the Ark Encounter is it’s as close to a real representation of Noah’s ark, and a journey through creationism and biblical history.

However a visitor or prospective visitor wants to categorize the destination, it’s a really large and impressively built boat. Alleged to be the largest post-and-beam structure in the world, the Ark Encounter is both a building and engineering marvel.

While the ark is not a “true” boat, or really ship – it’s big enough to be categorized as such, it is a close representation to one. Because of logistics, and the need for toilet facilities, elevators and emergency egress, the ark has three “buildings” constructed into the side of the hull. Even though the ark can’t float away if the area were to become so tempest tossed if there was a flood, that does not mean it’s not impressive.

People coming to the destination park in a parking lot similar to any other themed destination, park, or zoo. From the lot, there’s a ticket center where tickets can be purchased, and then after passing through and being admitted, a bus will take visitors down the tram road to the foot of the “Answers Center.”

Journey to the ark

Entering into the Answers Center, visitors transverse through a shop and café. Beyond that section of the building is a large auditorium where lectures are given. Each day there’s a schedule of movies that are played in the theater to act as a primer to your visit or expand upon what you may have or might learn while going through the ark proper.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Entrance Ramp

Exiting the Answers Center out the back allows guests to meander their way to the ark’s entrance. The ark is huge and awe inspiring. As you walk down the walk towards the entrance, you’ll go past the large ramp that runs parallel to the vessel. If you ever needed a visual for the ramp when someone colloquially describes a fight like the fight put on by the third monkey on the ramp to Noah’s ark when it started to rain, this is the view.

Tempest tossed

After winding your way up the entrance ramp for the visitors, entering into the ark, the people are taken on the flood journey. The sights and sounds of being tempest tossed are distributed through the entranceway, within the hull. The first few steps inside the ark sets the mood and stage for what the biblical significance the flood and ark story has.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Noah and Family in Prayer

The ark is broken up into three floors – decks -, in addition to the ground level,  and each has their own significance. 

The ground floor includes the queue to board the ark on one side, separated from the “exit,” which houses the gift shop and snack shops.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Some of the Ark’s Structure and an Enclosure

Deck one

Deck one is where visitors get transported from present day, back to the beginning of the flood. Winding through the first section, visitors are then given an “introduction to animal kinds.” The different types of animals that were potentially housed on the ark, as well as their relations to animal species as we know them today are explained.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Facts About the Ark

Deck two

Deck two has a number of exhibits as well as a small viewing area to watch a film. The exhibits included:

  • The pre-flood world
  • The Noah interview theater
  • Kids’ spooky animal encounter
  • Animal kinds
  • Noah’s study, library, workshop, and blacksmith shop
  • Who was Noah? “Fairly-tale ark”
  • The Ark Door

Deck three

Deck three, like the second deck, has several exhibits and a theater. 

  • Answers in Genesis exhibit
  • Living quarters
  • As in the days of Noah theater
  • Flood geology
  • Ice age
  • Babel
  • Ancient man
  • Flood legends
  • Rainbow covenant
  • Arks around the world
  • Voyage of a book
  • Searching for truth
  • Biblical authority
© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Noah in his Study

Once through with visiting the exhibits, visitors exiting would leave through the ground floor gift shop and snack area.

The exhibits were on par with what one would find at most museums. Be ready to read, and read a lot if you want to take it all in. The two theaters in the ark offer up entertaining and educational programming that’s worth taking the time to view. Otherwise, most of the exhibits, outside of the living and work areas, and representations of the “animal kinds,” are rather 2D.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – The Ark Encounter, Bow to Stern View

Outside the ark

After leaving the ark, my party decided to grab lunch at Emzara’s Kitchen. The restaurant is an all-you-can-eat buffet, and is reasonably priced. The food options were both varied and of a high quality. The staff were helpful and even when we returned after the zoo, they allowed us back in to fill up our water bottles at the soda machines.

The other area of the Ark Encounter that we checked out was the zoo. The Ararat Ridge zoo is home to several different species and was a nice addition to the visit. The zoo did keep the attention of our younger travelers, where the ark proper was a little more challenging. The zoo holds “keeper chats” as well as “animal encounters.” There’s opportunities to feed or ride camels, there’s a children’s zoo, and a kangaroo walkabout. While not exceptionally large, the zoo was a nice addition to the experience.

There were other activities at the encounter that we did not participate in. Activities available on the grounds that we did not do include; zip lines, the mining and sluice & fossil find, the virtual reality experience, the carousel, or the children’s playground. There’s also a “sister attraction,” the Creation Museum, which is about a 45 minute drive. There are ticket packages which include the Creation Museum in the price of admission.

Our impressions

Overall, this was a cool location and experience. We spent the day there, but depending on your party and how much you want to get out of your visit at the Ark Encounter, I can see people spending two days – especially if they want to visit the Creation Museum.

Whether you’re approaching this visit theologically or just out of curiosity, you will be amazed. The construction, size, and execution of this project is enough to marvel out. Whatever zeitgeist you subscribe to, there’s plenty to learn, and culturally this is the kind of location that helps build bridges to understanding, versus fostering chasms of conflict in ideas/ideals.

The quick and dirty

Pluses: Awe inspiring and memorable. Educational, regardless of beliefs. Brings history/theology to life. Good quality food. Children under 10 are free. A good stop if traversing through the area.

Minuses: A little pricey in comparison to other themed attractions – bang for buck. Not a whole lot else going on in the area. The crowds and flow of people can be overwhelming at times.

Overall, I’d say this was worth the trip and money spent. Would I do it again? Perhaps if they expand, which there seems to be evidence they will be, or if there was going to be something real special going on. If I came back through the area, it’d be a toss up between revisiting or heading to the Creation Museum. 

Would I recommend this attraction? Yes and it depends. If you’re going through the area, 100%, do stop in if this interests you in the slightest. If you’re a Christian who’s looking for an immersive experience, this is probably worth traveling to as a dedicated trip. If you’re a bible hating atheist or not open minded at all, don’t waste your time. If you’re an open minded person who’s agnostic or even anti-religion, there’s plenty to take in and enjoy, as long as you’re committed to being respectful to other visitors, the staff, the property, and the concept.

I will say that I am interested to see what may come of the property and what other offerings they have in the future. There’s a lot of production value pumped into the Ark Encounter. Some more fine tuning could be done, and additions, but they seem to be on the right track.

Be sure to check out our interview with Ken Ham, the mind behind the Ark Encounter, for his answers to our questions about the ark, visiting the attraction, and mindset.

The Ark Encounter is located at: 1 Ark Encounter Dr, Williamstown, KY 41097

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