Much like firearm storage, firearm carry is not a one-size-fits all scenario. What works for one individual, may not work for another. When picking firearm accessories or holsters and items for self-defense, great care should be taken into making sure whatever you select will meet your needs. A carry system that I had an opportunity to try out is reminiscent of those “Miami Vice” style rigs. Last year FALCO® holsters released a hybrid shoulder holster rig and I had a chance to give it a test drive. The D901 Hybrid Roto Shoulder Holster is a high quality product!
A little about FALCO
“FALCO Holsters delivers a unique combination of modern techniques and old-world, traditional craftsmanship to our portfolio of custom handgun holsters,” a release states about FALCO. “Since 1989, the FALCO brand has grown from a small garage in rural Slovakia making leather falconry gloves to a state-of-the-art workshop producing an extensive variety of holsters we supply to individuals, police forces, and military units worldwide.”
About the D901 hybrid roto shoulder holster

The D901 is a hybrid option and FALCO took “premium, full-grain Italian leather” melding it “with Kydex for comfortable firearm concealment.” The rig comes equipped with a double magazine pouch, opposite the holster.
“The D901 is a new interpretation of our popular full leather shoulder holster,” Vice President of Sales and Marketing Katarína Zacharová said. “By incorporating a Kydex shell into our design and surrounding it with leather, people benefit from the comfort and aesthetics of leather plus the retention and stability of Kydex.”
Aside from having the durability of Kydex married to the comfort of quality leather, the roto feature makes this holster unique. When fully holstered and snapped in, your firearm will run straight up and down, vertical, allowing for deeper concealment. When ready to deploy, unsnapping the holster allows for the unit to rotate in the direction of the draw a few degrees, meaning the draw does not have to be completely vertical.
If you’re going to get a D901, you can have it customized with your initials stamped into it.
Getting set up
It might take a little bit of time to get a D901 holster set up to your body type. But once you do, the rig should be both comfortable and easy to conceal with a proper cover garment, shirt, or even business/dress jacket.
When making adjustments, you’ll have to use a screwdriver to unscrew the post heads from the fasteners. A little trial and error, along with the help of a friend if needed, should get you up and running without an issue.
My experiences

As a member of the more robustly built community, I was skeptical about donning a shoulder rig. First and foremost, it was very comfortable once I got everything adjusted the way I wanted it. For a “cover garment,” I opted to wear button up western style shirts over an activewear undershirt. This allowed for wear in the spring/summer, where such a system might be best suited for those cold weather months.
Patterns and quick deployment
The shirts that I wore were a bit blousy, and had some extra room. The western style shirts were perfect for two reasons. One, the patterning on them breaks up the lines of a concealed firearm. Two, the snap buttons of the shirt allow for quick access of the holster, only requiring a pull at the front of the shirt to unbutton it.

Find the sweet spots
The only time I found the FALCO D901 to not be comfortable was when driving. It wasn’t the holster, it was the spare magazines. I had a hard time navigating where to place the seatbelt in relation to the mags. Every body type is going to be different, and I’m sure being a hefty and short person has everything to do with this dynamic. I did eventually manage to make the situation comfortable, but it required some adjustments.
Full disclosure, the D901 is the only shoulder rig that I’ve experienced, so I don’t have much else to compare it to. However, using it with my Glock 30, I had no real complaints with it.

I will note that people “looking” for the pistol, knowing it was there, might be able to say “I see it.” That’s a function of me needing to lose a few pounds and also keeping in mind that people will see what they know or think is there.
The quick and dirty

Pluses: Comfortable. Well-made. Hybrid construction lends itself to a longer life. A good other option for carry if IWB or OWB does not suit one’s needs. Make and model specific.
Minuses: I had a hard time with the mag pouches and where I had them oriented when driving, but with some work I was able to find a sweet spot. The system is pricey, at around $299.95, however, you’re getting a high quality set, and comparatively speaking, they’re not outrageously priced.
My overall impressions of the D901 are positive. Carrying in a shoulder rig is not for everyone, but certainly is appropriate in some instances. I think this is a great option depending on one’s concealment needs. I would wholeheartedly recommend a FALCO D901 holster to people in the market for a shoulder rig or those looking for carry options that deviate from the current fads.