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GOSAFE Mobile Safe and Mobile Mag Review

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC - GOSAFE Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe Set

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Responsible firearm storage is a topic that resonates through society. From statutory to moral obligations, proper storage of firearms is something every gun owner must deal with. While there may or may not be legal obligations in a specific jurisdiction, how one person decides to store or stage a gun might not be a good fit for another person. One interesting set of solutions that I’ve become acquainted with is provided by a company called GOSAFE. GOSAFE has two devices, the Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe, that tackles responsible storage. These firearm accessories may fit your needs.

What’s GOSAFE all about?

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – GOSAFE Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe

Are these firearm storage solutions? Are they locking devices? They’re a little bit of both. GOSAFE strives to “preserve a gun owner’s right to quick, authorized access while lessening the opportunities for unauthorized access.” They acknowledge that there is “never a one-size-fits-all solution for securing firearms.”

“My adult life has been spent serving and protecting others as a United States Marine, a private security contractor and a law enforcement professional. Through this I learned that the right to gun ownership is the only thing that ensures all of our other rights can exist,” said GOSAFE co-founder Mark “Oz” Geist. “But my law enforcement career also showed me some sobering realities: unauthorized gun use is a common denominator in firearm-related accidents, suicides and crimes.”

Mobile Safe

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – GOSAFE Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe

The Mobile Safe is an inert magazine-like device. It’s make and model specific, so you’ll need to procure one for your firearm. It works by inserting it into the magazine well of your firearm. Once in, a user can use the included key to “lock” the Mobile Safe. A rod within the device will rotate a tab within, which would render the gun inoperable.

Once locked, a firearm cannot have its magazine removed, slide manipulated, or trigger pulled. The Mobile Safe faux magazine is molded so that ammunition cannot be inserted into it.

When unlocked, the Mobile Safe can then be removed from the firearm and regular function can resume.

The Mobile Mag

Unlike the Mobile Safe, the Mobile Mag is designed for keeping a firearm loaded and ready to go. Similar to the Mobile Safe, the Mobile Mag is make and model specific. The Mobile Mag can be loaded with ammunition, inserted into the firearm, and then locked. A rod within the device will rotate a tab within, which would render the gun inoperable.

When locked, the magazine cannot be removed and the trigger cannot be pulled. However, the slide can be manipulated. When a user is ready to fire the firearm, unlocking the device will allow the trigger to be pulled and the gun will fire.

How’d it do in the field?

I took both the Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe to the range to test them out after doing some bench work in the garage. The Mobile Safe was easy enough to prove its ability to disable a firearm. The Mobile Mag did require the presence of a hot firing line.

Loading the Mobile Mag is facilitated the same way that a conventional magazine would be loaded. After setting the Mobile Mag into the magazine well, ensuring it was seated, and putting the firearm into battery, I locked the unit.

While the unit was locked, I attempted to fire the pistol. The trigger would not pull. Subsequent to that, I then unlocked the Mobile Mag, and ran a string of fire. After a few shots, with some remaining in the magazine, I relocked the Mobile Mag and attempted to fire the pistol. The Mobile Mag would not allow the trigger to move.

Essentially, these two devices do what we’re told they’ll do. They render the firearm inoperable.

Overall thoughts on the GOSAFE line of products

When I learned about the Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe, I was interested. I quickly had an opportunity to get a set for testing and evaluation.

What’s important to understand is that there are no anti-theft properties to using them. However, should someone try to remove either device when locked in a firearm, the firearm would essentially get destroyed in the process.

These also don’t offer any fire protection.

Both of the GOSAFE products are geared towards creating a barrier between the firearm and unauthorized use.

© 2024 Forget Me Knot Media, LLC – GOSAFE Mobile Mag and Mobile Safe

There weren’t too many snags I ran into while running the units through test exercises. One had to do with insertion. Both the Mobile Safe and Mobile Mags would hang up from time to time when being set into the magazine well of the firearm. I’m guessing because of tolerances in manufacturing, you’re going to have to make sure that the “safes” go straight into the well. Essentially, it took a little more care to fully insert them in comparison to a conventional magazine.

Another observation I made while testing and evaluating the safes is that they got delivered to me as a set, but have different keys. It’d be beneficial to be able to have units registered to an individual user to all share the same keys.

The keys themselves take a good deal of practice to get used to. If I were to be keeping my firearm staged for use with the Mobile Mag in it, I’d need to practice unlocking the device quite a bit before I personally felt comfortable with my abilities.

These are unique products. I think there’s 100% a market for these kinds of devices. Are the GOSAFE products going to be making an impact on the way I store and use my personal firearms? No. But, knowing that they’re out there is a benefit when it comes to making recommendations to people who have specific storage needs.

The quick and dirty

Pluses: Works as advertised. Renders firearms inoperable as intended.

Minuses: Price is a little steep. Key insertion can be tricky without practice.

GOSAFE came up with an innovative solution to securing firearms. While I wouldn’t personally use these products, that does not mean that I wouldn’t recommend them. As noted above, there’s a market for these that’s out there. Depending on individual needs, these devices may or may not fit perfectly into one’s security plan. Being armed with the knowledge that such devices are out there I think is key, because you never know who these might appeal to. I think they’re very well-made and work as intended.

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One Response

  1. Coming very soon: the GOSAFE Tether, a stainless steel, high quality tether that works on any Mobile Safe or Mobile Mag and uses the same key – to prevent theft.

    GOSAFE, used in conjunction with our proprietary cable tether, allows you to secure your firearm from theft anytime and anywhere. Simply place the cable around a secure object, feed the stainless steel plate through the cable loop and put over your GOSAFE prior to inserting it into your firearm.

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