Defender Coffee is one of the many Second Amendment/liberty themed coffee companies that’s popped up over the years. Defender has an extensive amount of offerings, with roasts that’ll appeal to most every flavor profile desire. In the past, we’ve reviewed some of the dark roasts that Defender Coffee has on the menu, and we really enjoyed them. Since that review rolled out, we got our hands on some of the Jefferson Roast and really dug it too.
What’s great about Defender
Defender Coffee is more than just a coffee company. They’re a company that stands by ideals. One of the unique things that the company does is they set aside a portion of their proceeds and they donate them to an organization of the customer’s choosing. Of the organizations that Defender advocates for are; Second Amendment Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, or Gun Owners of America.
The other thing that’s notable about Defender Coffee is they’re not just a kitschy brand trying to exploit more liberty minded people. Their coffee is actually good. If you’re a coffee snob, some of the brands that are out there might not really fulfill your coffee needs.
Defender, on the other hand, has enough roasts and profiles to where even the biggest coffee critic can find something they can drink.
Is everyone going to be over the moon over every blend? No. Is everyone going to find something they love? No. But there’s plenty of room to grab something that you do like and I’m sure most will find something they love.
The Jefferson Roast

“Introducing Jefferson, crafted in honor of Thomas Jefferson,” Defender Coffee’s product page states. “This robust blend offers rich, complex flavors with tasting notes of pipe tobacco and cedar, capturing the essence of Jefferson’s era. Inspired by his enduring motto, ‘Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God,’ this coffee is a tribute to the principles of liberty and resilience. Savor the bold taste of freedom with every cup of Jefferson, and join us in celebrating the legacy of one of America’s most iconic Founding Fathers.”

The Jefferson Roast came out sometime mid 2024 and is a dark roast. Defender states that the countries of origin for this roast are Mexico, Indonesia, and Honduras. And, the types of beans used are Ateng, Djember, Typica.
Whole bean or ground

The Jefferson Roast is offered in whole bean or ground. On the product page, shoppers can select how they want their 12 ounce bags of the coffee to come. If you really like the coffee, the Jefferson Roast can also be purchased in five pound bags of either whole bean or ground coffee.

What was the consensus?
We took our time to consume a bag of whole bean and a bag of ground coffee. When we ground the coffee, we ground it a little too coarse. Since I prefer a more bold flavor, had we gone finer, I feel we could have opened that up a little more.

When looking into brew methods, we tried single serve drip, percolated, and direct contact French press. As is tradition, the French press brewed the richest and more bold cup of coffee over the single serve drip. Percolated, a fine staple in coffee brewing technology, provided a flavorful pot to enjoy.

The Jefferson Roast has a much stronger flavor than the other dark roasts we’ve tried in the past that Defender offers. It was not bitter and our notes say that we found it to be “rich and robust.”
Was it dark enough? For me? Not quite. Yes, the Jefferson Roast seems much more bold than the other dark roasts that Defender Coffee offers. However, to be fair, my ideal cup of dark roast coffee – if possible – would have beans fermented in the secretions of a skunk, rinsed in buck urine, and then roasted.
So maybe I’m not a fair judge on how dark a dark roast should be.
The quick and dirty

Pluses: Good quality and flavorful coffee. Not a gimmick, but a real coffee.
Minuses: I love a good dark roast, and while Jefferson almost gets me to where I like to be, it falls just a little short on how robust I like my coffee. It’s probably bold and dark enough for most dark roast lovers.
Overall, I did really like the Jefferson Roast, it’s great. This is a coffee that I’ll be adding to my shopping list when I run low on coffee, or if I’m looking for a change of pace from some of my normal daily drivers.
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